Still Feeling Sluggish

I told myself last night that I’d hit the sack at 9:30pm together with Baby C and skip gym/jogging this morning so that I can get an extra hour of shut-eye but my plan never ever materializes.  Baby C woke up at 5:30am and poo poo and I had to wash her up.  This normally happens whenever she has a UTI attack.  She would purge even in the wee hours of the morning.  In fact, I woke up every 2 hours again to change baby’s diaper.  Baby C is having yet another UTI attack now and I can’t do much except to wait until tomorrow for the urine culture results and sensitivity report to be out before our doctor can treat her.

I am still feeling sluggish – feel cold and feverish, body feels sensitive and achy when touched, phlegm is dark yellow with streaks of blood, throat hurts, head throbbing and having a slight dry cough.  Have been gulping all my supplements, Cactus Juice and what not.  I’m trying to avoid taking antibiotics as I’m still nursing Baby C.  Have no appetite for much food and can only swallow soft food like bread and cake. Yeah I know, all carbo, fattening and unhealthy but what the heck, if they make me feel good when I’m sick, the heck with my weight!

No. of times viewed = 227

I Seriously Need A Break From The Kids

I am exhausted. I am physically and mentally burnt out. And I am now sick. Yet I don’t get any sick leave. Being a SAHM, I work round the clock, 24 hours a day, all year round with no paid leave, no salary increment and no bonuses. This is not fun at all. I want a break. I tell my 2 older kids all the time that I will run far away from them each time they disobey me and drive me to the point of wanting to jump down from the 5th floor of my condo!  What I really want to do now is to go on a holiday…just me alone, without the kids and without the hubs. The hubs will stay home to look after the kids so that he knows exactly how back-breaking and mental-torturing it is to be cooped up in the house with 3 kids and no break. I am yearning to go on one of those holidays for singles from Just You to de-stress my battered body and mind.

Just You offers escorted holidays for single travelers, including ocean cruises, short breaks, river cruise holidays and holidays by air and coach to Europe, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Central and South America, Africa, China and Asia and the Middle East. What I would love is a single cruise in Alaska! There will be a tour manager to accompany the single travelers to arrange meals, offer advice and answer any question. There will also be plenty of me time and space for me to be alone. That’s just what I want right now! I’m sure I’ll come back fully recharged and a much happier person after one of those singles holidays to clear my cluttered mind!

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