Overnight Oats Sensation

Lately, I am hooked on overnight oats!

Oats have never really been my favorite food. But after overnight oats became a Facebook sensation for the past one week, where almost all my blog friends have been coming up with their own juicy creation of overnight oats, I got hooked on it too!

This is my 3rd batch of overnight oats. I soaked about 6 tablespoons of organic oats with fresh milk, macadamia nuts, chia seeds and pine nuts.

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Note : full cream milk will produce a very creamy texture vs. low fat milk which will produce a less creamier texture.

Just before eating the oats, I cut up some avocado and tossed in a few dried cranberries. You can add in whatever trimmings that fancy you but try not to add in trimmings that are overly sweet. Oatmeal is actually quite rapidly converted to sugar, and even if you leave off the added sugar, dried or fresh fruit, you will still experience high blood sugars. Steel-cut oats and oat groats are healthier than oatmeal.

I used to soak the oats with some fruits too but after giving it some thought, mixing and soaking freshly cut fruits with milk overnight ain’t a very healthy idea. Moreover, fruits will go through oxidation process.  Thus, I now prefer to add in fruits just before I eat the oats.  Aromatic fruits like bananas, strawberries, mangoes, oranges and jackfruit will go better with the overnight oats. I also like to drizzle some gula melaka (coconut palm sugar) into my oats.

Another reason why I am so hooked on chilled overnight oats is the recent killer hot weather.  Whenever hunger pang kicks in, I just open the fridge door and wallop a few spoonfuls of cold overnight oats. The cold creamy oats going down my throat and into my tummy douses the heat within instantly!   This is definitely a healthier alternative to ice-cream and it tastes yummy too!

Here’s a tip for those of you who are diabetic or are on a diet – You can lower the GI (glycemix index) of oatmeal by combining it with a little lean protein, such as milk, a half-scoop of protein powder, or some natural yogurt. Healthy fats are another fantastic option. Add in nuts like walnuts and almonds or a sprinkling of ground flaxseeds and chia seeds. Cinnamon or nutmeg are also good options to add flavoring, without the sweetness. Remember not to adulterate your oats with lashings of sugar, cream, dried fruits and jam 🙂




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