Random Matters – 5 May 2017

Today marks the 8th anniversary of my 3-week nightmarish stay at GMC Penang with Cass. She went in for a Uretheral Reimplantation surgery on 5 May 20o9. Something awfully awry happened during the surgery. There was a complication and she was operated on 2 weeks later, after many X-rays, ultrasound scans, a CT-Scan and a Fluoroscopy failed to show the kink at the end of her guts.  My poor baby had to endure all these harmful scans and she was only 13 months old then.

The month of May happens to be a month of bloodshed and pain. May has never been too kind to me. Whether coincidental or jinx, May has always been unfavorable to me. Maybe it is in May that the stars and moon don’t align well for me. Dang it! This end May, I will be going for a surgery.  You can read it at my other blog.

The mil is away in Ipoh for a few days and as a matter of course, I am tasked with cooking dinner.  The thing with cooking is that once you lose the momentum, you lose the mojo and inspiration to cook. You will dread walking into the kitchen.  The mil knows cooking is not my forte (though I can whip up a real mean meal, he he!) and she pre-prepared the ingredients for me the day before from de-shelling the prawns to mincing the pork done from scratch on the chopping board. This morning, she removed the skin of the leek flowers and cut them.  How very thoughtful of her eh?

But the mil didn’t have time to finish prepping all the leek flowers this morning. After Drama Queen got home from school and finished her lunch, I tasked her with completing the job 😆

Steamed eggs with minced pork; sauteed leek flowers with baby shrimps and sauteed ‘yau mak’ vegetable. Simple dishes yet the girls scoffed down each plate of dish 😉

The scene at the dining table today.

The big girl pored over her Sejarah (History) textbook throughout dinner. She’s sitting for her Sejarah paper tomorrow and the last two papers of Chemistry and Chinese will be on Monday.  And the other 2 girls pored over their novels 😁📗📘📙.  Someone will surely see red to see this during dinner if she was around!

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