Like Real Only

Saturdays are the only days that Aly and Sher can have prolonged breakfast and watch TV for hours.  Last Saturday, I saw Sher sitting on the couch eating her egg for breakfast, not watching TV but ‘reading’ her Ladybird story book… like real only, as if she could read hahaha!  She was so wrapped up in the book that she didn’t even noticing me snapping her pix. I think she was only busy stuying the pictures in her Cinderella story book…. coz this princess-wannabe is obsessed with Cinderella. I’m hoping that Sher can read soon but she’s kind of stubborn and can’t pay attention to me when I read to her. She just wouldn’t look at the words and her eyes would stray to the pictures. That’s why I still prefer story books with words on one page and pictures on the other page, so that it’s easier for me to point out the words to her.

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