Grim Reminder

The 2 cuts on Baby’s abdomen never fail to remind me that I should be thankful that I got her back all in one piece, that I should be thankful that despite 2 major surgeries that she had so painfully endured, she is still one bubbly, active, smart baby who is developing pretty normally, albeit a tad petite for her age.

Whenever I am steaming mad and feeling frustrated with this rascal who is always driving me up the wall now, all I need to do is to open up her diaper and the sight of her scars would douse away the anger.  I remember that during my 3-week stay in the hospital with her, all I wanted was for Baby to be well and to see her smile again.  Memories of our 3-week nightmarish stay in the hospital never fail to make me appreciate and treasure her every bit more and this always make me thankful to God that she is now bursting with vigor and has loads of cunning ideas up her sleeves.

No. of times viewed = 173

Submit A Video And Win $5,000!

Great news friends! If you, your loved ones or your friends are short-sighted, long-sighted or have any other vision problem with your eyes, then here’s a chance for you guys to win some prizes out of your misfortune. All you have to do is to submit a video on your experiences in dealing with your vision problem.

Here’s what you are supposed to do. First, entrants must make a video and submit your video to the iLASIK Video Contest. Entrants can choose from three different categories as follows:

1. “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
2. “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
3. “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”

After you have submitted your video, be sure to tell the whole world to vote for you as votes are one of the key factors that will determine the winners.

Here are the details of the prizes:

o Grand Prize of USD$5,000!
o First Prize (one in each video category):
o HDTV package — a $2,500 value
o Second Prize (one in each video category):
o The Flip UltraHD™ camcorder — a $199.99 value

Cool prizes aren’t they? So quick move your butt and start making a video using your camcorder, your digital camera or your cell phone right away and stand a chance to win one of the prizes!


No. of times viewed = 154