Healthy Homecooked Dinner – 21 February 2016

My healthy low in cholesterol, low in fat, low in oil and high in fiber dinner yesterday 🙂

Bitter gourd soup with carrots, red dates and lean pork with 4 tablespoons of organic oats…

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Sauteed organic spinach and braised arrowroot with roast pork  and ‘nam yue‘.  I singled out only 3-4 small pieces of lean roast pork and that’s my ration of meat for the day.

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Arrowroot is usually seen in wet markets and supermarkets a few weeks leading to Chinese New Year. I cherish eating arrowroot as we only get to eat it several times in a year, usually only during Chinese New Year. We like braising it with roast pork or steam it alongside Chinese sausage. I used to like munching on deep fried arrowroot (‘ngar koo’) but I have ditched  all deep fried foods a little over a year now…and feeling good 🙂

If you think arrowroot is just carbs, you’ll be surprised to know that it is chock full of nutrients and health benefits! 🙂


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