Merdeka Weekend

I only realized today that this blog has not been updated for  a week!  I have been too caught up with my online businesses and busy slothing around during my free time.  Have I told you that I am a champ at slothing? 🤩

These days at every free time opportunity that I have, all I want to do is to catch up on my beauty sleep. Or simply plunge myself on my massage chair while I browse the internet. I do not even feel like braving the horrendous jam to go to the shopping mall. And that’s partly because I do most of my shopping online now!  I excel at spending $$ 🤑 and work hard in bringing in the moolah too.

I realize that as our girls grow, I get busier and busier without slowing down. The speed just gets faster.  My chauffeuring duty only ends between 8-9-ish pm each day. If I am lucky, the hubs will help to pick up our dancing queen from the studio. She is having extra classes since last month until October to rehearse for a dance competition. I realize that my most enjoyable time with the girls was during their toddler years.  The moment they entered Primary 1, I was suddenly tossed into a fast lane with very little opportunity to slow down~ physically and financially!  Gen-Z kids are really expensive to raise and maintain. Not that I am keeping up with the Joneses. I don’t think we can afford to anyway but I try to provide the best for our girls.

Anyway, back to my updates on what we have been up to over the long Merdeka weekend.

On Merdeka day (Friday, 31 Aug), we got up early to attend a Save Malaysia fund-raising carnival at our neighborhood park. The funds will go towards helping Malaysia pay off part of her debts.  There was a fun run, which I had skipped as all I wanted to do on a precious public holiday was to sleep in!  The hubs went for the run. We joined him at 8:30 a.m. to have breakfast at the park where food stalls were set up.

I paid RM5 for Cass to take part in a short art and craft lesson and at the end of it, she got to take home her own hand-made bookmark.

Dinner was at Restoran Wai Kei, Old Klang Road.  It’s the hubs’ favorite Hakka ‘tai chow’ restaurant.

Assorted fried Hakka ‘yong liu’and steamed free-range chicken.

Stir-fried vegetables and pork trotters in black vinegar.  All my favorite dishes, yummo!

Steamed fish

The next day (1 Sept 2018) was another regular Saturday for us.  Alycia had full day school and an exam to sit for. It’s her PT3 trial exam week and the last day will be on Friday.  Poor girl has been cramming till the wee hours of the morning and getting only a few hours of sleep the past one week.  Nonetheless, she’s still as cool as a cucumber 🥒🥒 .  She de-stresses herself by watching dramas on You Tube 🙄 during breaks  and working out for 1-2 hours in the gym everyday.

Our breakfast bought from church on Sunday : homemade waffle with ice-cream and burger with homemade pork pattie. Money from the food sale will be channeled to the Girls and Boys Brigade for purchase of musical instruments.

After lunch in Pudu on Sunday, we dropped by Tong Kee Bakery in Pudu to shop for Chinese pastries for the big girl who was still cramming at home.  She loves pastries and is a carbo-addict. She knows white flour and carbo are unhealthy but like any kid, she couldn’t give a hoot about it yet.  Thank God for her 1-2  hourly sessions in the gym daily.
Our loot ~ the “best of the worst”: egg tarts, almond tart, coconut tart, chicken pies, walnut cookies and coconut oat cookies. At least these snacks have some protein in them and are not empty calories 😁

Thank God for the much-needed heavy downpour. The skies in KL are clear of haze for now. Let’s pray that it remains haze-free until the next monsoon arrives.

Picture taken from the 5th floor of our unit at around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday.

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