Hungry Girl and HFM’s Exercise Regimen

My 13-year old dancing, fighting and drama queen has a voracious appetite. I am in awe at how her digestive system can process food at such amazing speed as she eats every two to three hourly! She usually has a pretty heavy breakfast at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. and by 10:30 a.m. or 11 a.m., she eats lunch with me before going to school. Before going to school, she prepares another heavy snack for her recess at 4 p.m. Her dinner is of course heavy too.

This is what she prepped today for her 4 p.m. recess:

2 slices of bran and wholemeal bread with poached chicken breast, a fried egg and avocado.

Her breakfast today comprised of her own DIY Mediterranean salad (lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, onions, nuts and a poached egg) and 2 slices of bran and wholemeal bread with avocado.  Lunch was poached kampung chicken rice and a few pieces of stuffed brinjal with fish paste and fish ball. The hubby and mil went to Ampang for Yong Taufu with hubby’s visiting heart surgeon uncle from London.

On the fitness front, I’ve recently ramped up my strength training by adding 15-20 minutes of lower abdomen exercises and bodyweight movements before my 30 minutes power walk and jog. And it is definitely speeding up my declining metabolic rate up a few notches.

One of the reasons why I started to add lower ab exercises is because my 3 daughters with flat tummies are asking me why I still have a jiggly tummy though I exercise and don’t eat carbs!

That’s because I’ve stopped working on my abs ever since Cass was born. Plain lazy. And it is after the birth of Cass that I developed a jiggly tummy.

Besides working on my abdomen in the morning, I also do it in the evening (together with Cass) and if I am not too frazzled, I do it again before bedtime.  Lower abdomen exercises are pretty fun (can be painful though) as you can even do it on your bed. I do it on the pool side deck chair and bed. But once you get the drift, your body gets used to it and you can easily do 30-40 times for each movement and then repeat.

With the addition of lower abdomen exercises and bodyweight movements, I get hungry faster and I can see a slightly flatter ab. Am I imagining things I wonder? haha!

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