Alycia Can Spell And Write Her Name


 Alycia finally knows how to spell and write her name on her own.  This picture was taken yesterday and now, she can write the letter ‘a’ and ‘c’ in the correct order. She can also write the number ‘8’  without having to draw 2 circles joining to each another.  Last week, she was still writing ‘c’ and ‘a’ in the reverse order but she has been practising her writing diligently everyday without being told to.  She was so happy and ran to me telling me that she can write her name and the number 8 correctly yesterday.  

Alycia can also draw quite well and loves coloring.  Hopefully she can very soon do Math equations too.  Alycia still has lots of catching up to do in pre-school, for the many months of classes that she had missed last year but she is definitely improving.

No. of times viewed = 166

Guided Tour In New York City

If I ever get a chance to visit New York City, I have been told not to miss the chance to hop on one of the CitySights NY double-decker buses to bring us for sightseeing to the major NYC attractions. These new double-decker buses will provide tourists with the best possible breathtaking views of Manhattan’s attractions, World Trade Center (Ground Zero), Statue of Liberty, New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street, Broadway, Trinity Church, Times Square, Madison Square Park, Top of the Rock, shopping trips to Woodbury Common Outlet and many more points of interest during the bus tour. The buses are equipped with state-of-the-art public address system with speakers located under every seat to ensure that all the passengers receive excellent audio reception of the guide narration even in the open air throughout the tour.

CitySights NY is a New York City sightseeing guided tours company that operates a fleet of deluxe motor coaches and new double-decker buses. Apart from this, they also offer NY harbor cruises, helicopter rides around Manhattan and day trips from NYC to Boston, Washington DC, Philadelphia & Amish Country and Woodbury Common Premium Outlets.
CitySights NY specializes in NYC tours and they have well-trained and knowledgeable tour guides, provide excellent customer service and high quality service at the fairest price possible.

So the next time you plan a trip to New York City, be sure to check out to book your guided tour of New York City. Online customers receive $5 off per ticket!

No. of times viewed = 136

My Post Is Selected By Cremaid Again

Woohoo…. I am so happy that my post was selected by Cremaid again.  Thanks Miche for informing me about this opp and congrats on getting the referral fee again.  You scratch my back, I scratch your back, feels so good eh?

This is the email from Cremaid which I received this morning : 

Dear shireenyongCongratulations!
Your post “Are You Hunting For A Good Hunting Knife?”
has been invited to appear on the Conversation:
“Some great hunting experiences “
Your post will be syndicated to the widgets included
inside each of the participating posts.
Also, you will receive $5 as royalty payment via

So folks, if you want to participate in the conversation / opp too, please click on the widget below my post, pretty please ok?  By clicking on the widget and participating, I will get a referral fee.  Quick hurry to participate now as the opportunity was just released a couple of days ago, so chances of your post being selected is high.  

No. of times viewed = 203

Flu Outbreaks And Tamiflu

Some time in the year 2006 when there were widespread cases of bird flu in some parts of the world and also in our country, hubby began to panic when there were news that supply for Tamiflu, the antidote for bird flu was running really low worldwide. He quickly went to the pharmacy and bought several boxes of Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) just in case we needed them. The boxes of Tamiflu are still in our fridge and have not expired yet. Well, we may still need them in view of the recent fears over a flu outbreak in Hong Kong which had left a few children dead.

Flu outbreaks can spread very easily from one person to another and from one country to another.  In Hong Kong, a seven-year old boy who died recently after suffering respiratory problems was tested positive for a flu strain known as Influenza A, a virus which was also found in a 21-month old who died last month in Hong Kong.

There are two known strains of the influenza virus – type A and type B and Tamiflu is proven to be effective against both types.  Before the Tamiflu supply runs low again worldwide, it would be advisable that you stock up a few boxes of them at home.  It is now possible to buy Tamiflu online at, a UK based healthcare provider.   Before you purchase Tamiflu online, be sure to get the prescription from a registered doctor first.

No. of times viewed = 195