Random Events – 30 March 2016

Today is one of those days that I made a trip to school to check on Cass.  Her school  organized a free watermelon day today, with mothers as volunteers.  I was caught by surprise when I saw a gazillion of watermelons at the lobby.  All the students were treated to freshly juiced and cut watermelon to beat the blazing El Nino heat wave.

Next, I went to my favorite coffee shop to get takeout of noodles. While waiting for my noodles, I chatted with the seller. I asked him where his Indon helper was coz 3 weeks earlier, I had seen her crying when we had breakfast at his stall.  I thought she had the flu, thus the watery eyes and nose. I asked her if she was OK and she replied that she was “sakit” (sick).  The next day when I went to the stall, the Indon girl wasn’t working there anymore and I saw a new helper.  Initially the noodle seller was reluctant to let me know the truth, however, after chatting further, he revealed that the young Indon girl had gone for an abortion! Oh no, I felt her pain!!  Why was she so gullible? Did her boyfriend cheat on her and force her to go for the abortion? I can’t stop thinking about her the whole day.  The seller told me that the girl would be resting for 40 days. I wonder if I would see her again. She’s always been a cheerful and hardworking helper.

Back home, the heat has been really unbearable.  While waiting for Cass at the lobby at 2pm, I was sweating by the buckets! I checked the temperature on my phone and it was 35 degrees Celsius.  This couldn’t be as it’s way too hot to be 35 C.   Two hours later at 4pm, I checked the temperature again as our house felt like a furnace. I had 3 fans blowing at me 😀   Lo and behold, the temperature was a sizzling 40 degrees Celsius!  For the first time in many years, the mercury has shot up to the 40s.

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Above – taken from the 5th floor of our condo.

In the evening, half way through explaining to Cass the mistakes that she made in a BM test paper that I gave her, hubs dragged the kids to play at the pool area with their 2 little uncles from the UK.  After that, we went to a neighborhood cafe and had Italian food.

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling

Tonight the girls had a late night and I hope that they will have no issue waking up at 5:30am tomorrow. I better move my arse away from the computer, else I’ll be the one oversleeping and end up having to chauffeur the girls to school. Knock on wood!!


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