Ditch The Elevator For The Stairs

… and that’s what we have been doing for the past 1.5 months. It was my mil who started this practice, the idea of which my girls love and have been supporting….. and we have been using the stairs to get to the 5th floor of our unit whenever we are not in a hurry to go to school or other classes.

If I add up the calories that I burn from climbing 5 flight of stairs everyday, the total calories that I will burn in a week is enough to reward me with 2 or 3 ice creams or fatty cakes treat every week without the fear of that bulge!

… and I get to teach Baby her numbers too when I point out to the number on each floor that we stop at!

Best of all, my girls think it is really fun and adventurous to pace up the stairs and see who the winner is!

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